

This category contains 15 posts

Convert RDMs to VMDK

Every once in a while, you’ll come across a customer who has a LUN that is physically passed through to vSphere using Raw Device Mapping(RDM).  I usually discover these when we are migrating or a customer makes some other change.  I have been asked recently on the best way to convert a physical RDM to […]

New CPU Scheduler Whitepaper released

I saw over on Eric Sloofs blog that VMware has release a new white paper about the CPU scheduler in vSphere ® 5.x.  This in depth white paper will give you insight into the inner workings of how vSphere schedules CPU operations.  I recommend you read the document, and if you don’t already, read Erics […]

VMware announces vSphere ESX™ End of Availability

VMware announced today the end of availability for vSphere ESX.  On August 15, 2013 you will no longer be able to download ESX or generate license keys. Full announcement can be found at: Note: this does not affect ESXi customers.  

VMware View supported in vSphere 5.1 – Thank you!

So, after vSphere 5.1 was released, I, like many others, could not wait to get my lab upgraded and dive in.  Uncharacteristically, I RTFM and was surprised to see no versions of view were supported!?!   Torn between living on the edge and patiently waiting, I again did the opposite of my normal behavior and waited. […]

vCenter Operations Manager Beta course – My thoughts

Last week I attended the vCenter Operations Manager Beta course in Chicago with a colleague from my office.  Since I am fairly new to vCenter Ops and this is a brand new  (as in still beta) course, I thought I would share my experience. First I would like to say thank you to our instructor, […]